West Gippsland CMA

This is a preview of the 2025 Victorian Landcare Grants West Gippsland form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Welcome to the Victorian Landcare Grants - 2025 Application

How the form works


The form does not autosave. You will need to press the save button regularly to avoid losing your progress. You can save your responses and come back to them later. 


You can add more rows to a table by clicking [ ] on the right-hand side of the table, and remove rows (empty or not) by clicking [ - ]. 

Word limits

Some text boxes have word limits. You will not be able to submit your application until your response is below the word limit for that question. Smartygrants will tell you if you've gone over.

How can I work on this application at the same time as other people? 

To work on your application the same time as others, your organisation will need an have ABN to create a SmartyFile account. 

SmartyFile allows many people to work on your application, with each person having their own login and access level. You can also pre-fill information into forms and manage, view, search and sort submissions across multiple funders in one spot. 

To learn more go to applicanthelp.smartygrants.com.au/smartyfile 

What do I need before I submit this application?

For Project Grants:

  • a budget and detailed costing for your project
  • your organisation's ABN and incorporation number (if using an auspice, you'll need their details) 
  • a copy of your $20 million public liability insurance (unless Landcare Victoria Inc. insured or if using an auspice, you'll need their details) 
  • a map of your proposed project area, if your project includes on-ground works
  • evidence of support from landholders and/or public land managers (where applicable)
  • to complete the Group Health Survey

For a Support Grant

  • your organisation's ABN and incorporation number (if using an auspice, you'll need their details) 
  • to complete the Group Health Survey 


The Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA), CMA’s and Melbourne Water are committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the privacy principles in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic).

The information you provide will be used to assess and administer your grant application, for promotion and administration of the Victorian Landcare Program, and for regional and statewide reporting. The information that you provide about your group and project (including your group name and the project's title, summary and the amount of funding received) may be made publicly available. Any further information that is publicly available (such as regional and statewide report cards) will be deidentified. 

The information you provide will be made available to the Minister for Environment, other Victorian Government bodies, Landcare Victoria Inc. and third-party providers.

You may access the information that you have provided to DEECA and the CMA by contacting the Victorian Landcare Program team via email landcare@deeca.vic.gov.au